There are lots of unique ways to make money and cash while working at home and among the most popular are online jobs through the various online jobs working platforms. But these job platforms more popularly known as freelancer sites also poses many risks that you should be aware of before you contract projects and do work.
The nature of online work is based on trust and reliability after all it is a business outsourcing platform where the online providers and the employers are transacting remotely. You may be from the east coast while your employer is from the west coast and your work teammates maybe coming from the other parts of the world, this is the common scenario for online job contracting. Because there is little possibility that employers and providers meet physically and everyone is just holding on to the promises and commitments made, there will be times when the risk of not getting paid (provider’s side) and not getting the work you paid for as specified in the project (employer’s side) becomes all too real.So what do you do to protect yourself and safeguard the work you produced? You are contracting jobs remotely so you can make money and earn cash online and you should get paid, right?The following are some tips and advices that you can follow so you don’t get scam by bogus projects and non-paying employers:
1. Work under online job platforms with established good reputations like Elance, Odesk, Freelancer, the Content Authority and the likes. They have been in the business for a long time helping providers like you find matching job vacancies. Although it’s not 100% guaranteed that you will not be scam, but chances of that happening is lower versus seeking remote employers on your own.
2. If the freelancer site offers a system that makes sure you are paid for every job you do, avail of thatoption. Odesk has a guaranteed pay system for work done under their ‘hourly jobs’ contracts.
3. Make sure that you check the feedback of the remote employers. Usually online jobsites has a feedback mechanism to help their employers and contractors alike check what other providers have to say about a certain employer. Needless to say avoid those employers with many negative feedbacks; you will most likely end up having a bad experience yourself.
4. Asking for referrals is also a great way to seek out good employers. If you know someone who is already familiar with these online money making venture, and they are working for employers with job vacancies, it does not hurt to ask for referrals and a possible recommendation.
5. It is preferable to seek out short term projects at first so you will also be paid sooner. This is also a good way to check if you and the employer work well together. If both of you are okay with each other then you can continue the business relationship and you can now seek longer term contracts.
There is no fool proof way to make certain that you will not ever be scam while you do work at home. Nothing in life is 100% sure after all. But you can take measures to lessen possible bad experiences. And you must do it so you don’t get discourage while doing work at home jobs.