The most easiest way to make money online are Online Paid Surveys. A lot of People searching on the internet to find the top survey panel to join and make money by answering surveys. You can make money doing the online paid surveys but you can make much more money by promoting website or Affiliate Programs at your website or blogs.
Here's some Affiliate Programs that you can sign up for free: is one of the largest and most well known shopping sites in the world. By joining the affiliate program you will get paid to promote everything. For each sale you generate for you will earn a commission. Amazon’s affiliate program pays out in either gift vouchers (to be spent in the store), cheque (check) or direct deposit (if you’re in the US).
Palm Research panel is online survey site with affiliate program or referral program. Join the Palm Research panel and get paid to take surveys and participate in focus groups. Palm Research have a referral program where you are paid to refer people to their surveys.